My first Kratom Pie arrived on Monday. For those of you that aren't familiar with kratom pies, here is a websnippet that pretty much somes it up.
- ""Bali "Kratom Pies" Resin ExtractPhoto of Kratom resin extract pie, made from bali mitragyna speciosa leaves. Kratom Pies, Mitragyna speciosa are a new Kratom Resin Extract made from fresh Bali Kratom leaves. Kratom Pies entered the Kratom Market in September 2006.This new Kratom Resin Extract is a step above the older varieties of Kratom Resin available in 2005. The extraction process and quality control standards have said to be greatly increased.Approximately 7-8 kilos of raw Bali Kratom Leaf (Mitragyna speciosa) are required to produce a single kilo of Kratom Pies. Kratom Pies are approximately half as strong as the 15 x Kratom Standardized Extract """
Text and photo from: Kratom Pies: Fresh Bali Kratom Resin Extract

Ok back to the main purpose of this kratom blog post.
Well my Kratom Pie arrived in the morning, and it weighed in at 39.5gm. Its shape was a little funky, but it was still sealed up tight so nothing to worry about. I immediately opened it to give it a smell. It certainly smells like kratom extract, so that was a good sign. The smell isnt as strong as some of the other kratom grades though, probably because of it being in block form like this.
I decided to wait untill after lunch to give it a try, so around 2pm (2 hrs after chowing) I grabbed my scale in one hand, and my butter knife in the other and headed for the cutting board. I tried to cut the resin with my butter knife, but the knife was a little flimsy so i used a slightly thicker knife and went to work. I started around the biggest edge of my kratom pie blob and cut off pieces about half the size of a dime. I cut until i had around 5 grams according to my digital friend, and then put the kratom pie back into its little kratom pie baggy.
Then it was time to roll these little babies up and give them a spin. The anticipation was killing me. I really love trying new herbal products like this, especially ones which i love like i do kratom.
Anyway I tried rolling them in between my fingers and it worked rather well, but did require some strength to do. So instead i decided to experiment a bit to see where its melting point was, and how workable it is when warm. So I grabbed a coffee cup, filled it with steamy hot water and placed it on the table. I then grabbed a flat saucer, and placed it on top of the steamy coffee cup. Within a few seconds warmth was evident on the saucers service so i placed a couple of my little pieces of kratom pie on top. Whalla, within a minute they were quite soft and really easy to work with. The only problem was when i picked the little kratom pie pieces up off the saucer some of the resin stuck to the saucer. So i had to use my butter knife to scrap the tiny amount of kratom resin up and paint it back onto the kratom pie bit.
Rolling up kratom pies when a little warm into smooth balls was is a piece of cake (well I should say piece of PIE! LOL). Anyway i highly reccomend this for anyone working with kratom resin like these little pies. I think this type of kratom would be great in the morning. Brew up a cup of joe, throw a plate with your kratom pie chunks up on top of the joe, wait a moment, roll them up, and pop them back and your off to start a great day. Also i would imagine the warm joe mixing in your stomach while you read the morning paper will help to speed up and maybe even intensify the effects. Hey how about warm morning coffee, kratom pie bits, and a grapefruit for desert. Now thats a breakfast for a champion.
Ok ok, i know you want the effect reports. The kratom effects started to be noticeable for me after about 20 minutes (more or less) and were surprisingly strong. I wasnt expecting much from these pies, but i am quite pleased actually. Just enough eurphoia to say it leans towards bali kratom effects, but also a good amount of energy was present as well. Afterall i chased my dog around the park for 3 hours playing frisbee, so YES there was ENERGY!
I think a smaller dose would have been enough just to trigger the energy, and a higher dose certainly would likely increase on the euphoric, lay down a chill type effect as kratom normally does for me. But i have only tried the kratom pies once, so i cant report full details yet.
Bottomline from this test. Kratom pies are certainly active, and a little more potent than i had expected. They are pricey, but having a non powdered and non leafy kratom available is really nice. I want to test later this week how well the little kratom balls hold there shape once formed. If they hold their shape well, then I might make a bunch once or 1gm balls and then store then in a little box for easy access when needed....preweighed and ready to go.
Stay tuned for more =)
Labels: Kratom Effects, Kratom Extract, Kratom Pies, Kratom Resin Extract