Kratom Mitragyna Speciosa

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Papuan Kratom Extract Reviewed

Well Sunday was the day for the Papuan 20x Kratom Extract test.

I decided to try this new PNG Kratom in a slightly different manner from my normal 15x kratom extract method. I heard about this method from a friend of mine, and must say it was pretty darn easy. I will be trying it with the regular 15x kratom extract on Tuesday to see if it works the same.

Ok, now for the details.

Woke up at my usual weekend time and was immediately handed my list of Sunday chores and fixer upper jobs from my wife. Aren't wives great for that? LOL The list was long, and filled with boring stuff and I was a little hesitate that by trying a new form of kratom and not being certain of the effects, but since I posted here a few days ago that I would report my review of the new 20x Papua Kratom Extract I figured I better stick to my word.

  • Weighed up 3 grams of 20x Papuan Kratom Extract
  • Grabbed a smallish water bottle off the shelf, and drank down about 30% of it
  • Poured in the 3 grams of 20x PNG Kratom Extract
  • Shook the bottle like CRAZY
  • Chugged down about half the bottle

The taste was ehhh, well you know the taste of kratom tea. Actually in all fairness it wasn’t too bad with this method, maybe because the mouth of the water bottle was so small my nose didn’t smell the kratom and adding to the taste, or maybe because the Papuan kratom just has a better taste. I will have to do some more testing over the weeks to come and see what the results are.

About 15-20 minutes later (not sure exactly, forgot to time it) I felt like I just finished a stiff double espresso, but also a bit on the talkative/happy side.

My wife then reminded me about my list of duties for the day. =( But without hesitation I grabbed the list and went to work. After about an hour of running a paint brush up and down my garage door my wife called me in for lunch. My 20x PNG Kratom tea bottle was sitting on the table next to a bottle of honey, and the chefs salad she had just prepared for lunch.
I decided it was time to get that other 1.5 gms into my system, but wanted to see if I could easily enhance the taste of the kratom tea. So I squeezed some of sue bee's finest into my instant kratom tea and gave it another violent shake. The result was quite pleasant (for Kratom tea at least) and it went down surprisingly smooth.

Ok, now it was time to get back to work again. I started painting the back side of my garage door, and before I knew it I had also washed the cars, sprayed out the trash cans, scrubbed the oil leak stains off the drive way and cut the tree brach that was hanging over into our neighbors yard. I practically didnt even realize how much I had accomplished in such a short amount of time.

The effects of this Kratom certainly focused my mindset on getting things done. Afterwards it was time to shower up and meet some friends for an evening dinner party.
When I got to the party I quickly realized that the Kratom effects from the 20x Kratom were still certainly present as I seemed to have burned holes in everyone’s ears by how much I was talking and involving myself in the conversations. Often times my wife complains that I can be a bit of a bump on a toads back when in social situations, but this was certainly not the case this time.

How would I sum up this New Guinea Kratom Extract experience? VERY DIFFERENT from that of the Bali 15x extract that’s for sure. The PNG kratom extract seemed to hit my energy and socialability button much more than even the Kratom pies did the week prior. I was flying and motivated to say the least.

I didn't notice any sedation type feelings from this strain of kratom. I am not sure if that’s just the characteristic of the Papuan kratom, and its more energy/social based in effects, or if my dose was below the sedation threshold. I will do some more experiments with it over the weeks to come. But from what I felt on Sunday I really believe this will become my NEW PREFERED Kratom of choice for working. If the effects in the future are anything like Sundays effects then I am sold for sure.

The cost is pretty expensive compared to the 15x Kratom extract but considering the effects of the PNG Kratom Extract were so strong for 3gms split an hour or more apart it was pretty relative. I am looking forward to trying a full 3gms all in one sitting and seeing how big of a punch that packs.

If anyone reading this post has tried the 20x Papua Kratom Extract please leave your comments. I am very interested to see if others have experienced the same thing I did with this PNG Kratom.

Well that's all until next time.

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